Equipment: NONE Description: Crouch down, bending at your knees, and touch the floor with your hands. Jump up to standing position. Repeat as many times as possible.
Equipment: NONE Description: All fours. Slide hands out as far forward as possible. Look at floor, bum over feet, press down with hands. Breathe – don’t hold your breath. Or, same as above but place both arms on one side of the head or the...
Equipment: NONE Description: Sit on your bum with your legs stretched apart. Reach with your right arm and try and touch your left foot. Reach with your left arm and try and touch your right foot. Keep switching as many times as...
Equipment: NONE Description: Bounce back and forth from your right foot to your left. Each time a foot hits the ground, fully extend the opposite arm and “punch” the air with a closed fist. Repeat as fast as possible.
Equipment: NONE Description: Lay on side – support head with down arm. Back and heels against imaginary wall – straight line. Lift at hip only, no back rotation. Repeat with other leg.
Equipment: NONE Description: Lie on back. Pull one leg to chest. Keep “down” leg straight – bend “up” leg at knee. Hold 15 sec. alternate leg and repeat. Breathe – don’t hold your breath.