Equipment: NONE Description: Standing straight, reach down with your right hand and grab your right ankle. Slowly, pull your ankle up towards the ceiling as you lean forward. With your free hand, spread your fingers wide and hold them up towards the ceiling. Hold for...
Equipment: NONE Description: Sit on the mat with your legs out in front of you. Put your arms out straight, and slowly start to lift your legs until all you feel touching the mat are your “bum bones”. Hold the pose for as long as you can. Try lifting your legs higher...
Equipment: Balls. Description: Place the ball between your two foreheads. Starting from a standing position, lower yourself to your knees and then stand back up (without touching the ball with your hands or having it fall to the ground). Try and go down to your bums...
Equipment: NONE Description: Place your hands on the “Xs” on the wall. Keep your feet flat on the floor and push them back as far as you can. Hold the stretch. Lower your hands and try the next set of “Xs”. BE CAREFUL NOT TO FALL INTO THE...
Equipment: Hula hoops. Description: Using only your hands (the hoop can’t touch any other part of your body), skip as many times as you can. Try skipping using only one foot. Try skipping switching from your left foot to your right foot. Try using only one...
Equipment: Hula hoops. Description: Have your partner hold the hoop on the ground between the two “Xs”. Without touching the hoop at all, slide through the cave, reach down and touch the “X,” and then slide back and touch the “X” on the other side. Do this 10 times...