Fitness Circuits
If you haven’t used fitness circuits yet to supplement your PE program in the classroom or studio, you are in for a treat! The idea of a fitness circuit is to put on some music for 45 seconds, let the students (often 2 per station), do the activity that they are at and then, during a short pause in the music, move on to the next activity. Each activity is designed to be posted on a wall or set on a desk, and each one has a great visual cue so that circuits will work for young and old alike! Remember, how they do the activity isn’t as important as whether or not they are getting activity! So as long as they are moving, and not being a danger to themselves or others, let them move and groove!
Equipment: NONE Description: Lie on back. Spine neutral. Lower leg straight or slightly bent if necessary. Lift leg – straighten as much as possible and pull towards chest. Hold 15 seconds , alternate leg, and repeat. Breathe – don’t hold your...
Cat Stretch
Equipment: NONE Description: All fours. Round your back and extend your shoulders. Pull your shoulder blades away from your spine. Imagine a string pulling your back up, hold for 10 seconds. Breathe – don’t hold your breath!
Equipment: NONE Description: Lay on back – arms at sides. Imagine your back is a board – straight. Lift hips and hold 5 – 20 seconds.
Side Stretch
Equipment: NONE Description: Standing up, keep your hands on your hips. Lean to one side until you feel a good stretch, hold for 10 seconds. Lean to the opposite side and repeat.
Split Leg Lunge
Equipment: NONE Description: Back foot up on toe. Front knee over toes. Body – move straight up and down.
Leg Lift
Equipment: NONE Description: Lie on one side. Lift up your top leg (no higher than your hip). Bring your top leg back down. Repeat three more times. Switch sides.
Dancing Crab
Equipment: NONE Description: Bum off the ground, feet and hands flat on the floor (like you are getting ready for a crab walk). Lift your right hand and left foot at the same time. Then lift your left hand and right foot at the same time. See how many times you can do...
Star Jump
Equipment: NONE Description: Start with your arms at your sides and your legs together. Jump as high as you can and spread your legs and arms as far apart as you can. Land with your arms at your sides and your legs together. Repeat.
Funky Chicken
Equipment: NONE Description: Standing on your toes, make “chicken wings” with your arms. Twist your body back and forth, all the way down, until your bum touches your feet. Then come all the way back up and do it again (you are doing a part of the “Chicken...