Classroom PE Games
Equipment: At least 5 different objects volunteered by students. Description: Put a desk at the front of the class. Have the students offer up objects to be placed on the desk (they must be large enough to be seen by all students in the class). Choose about 5 objects...
Classroom PE Games
Equipment: A speedball (soft, squishy and palm-sized works best). Timer. Description: Have everyone sit on their desks with their legs hanging off the end. The teacher starts with the speedball at the front of the class (the speedball should be a soft, squishy ball)....
Classroom PE Games
Equipment: NONE Description: Have the students all close their eyes and lay their heads down on their desks. 4 chairs are placed in each one of the 4 corners of the classroom. The teacher then walks around and taps 4 students on the head and taps four students on the...
Classroom PE Games
Equipment: Foam tiles, carpet pieces…etc. Description: You will need foam tiles, carpet pieces or something that students can stand on for this game (don’t use paper because it tends to rip too easily). Divide the kids into teams of 4-6 players. Each team then...
Classroom PE Games
Equipment: NONE Description: The teacher calls out a number, a place in the classroom and a body part. Students must get to that part of the classroom, meet up with the specified number of students, and place the specified body part out in front of them. Anyone who...