Knee Raise

Knee Raise

Equipment: NONE Description: Lift your knee up. Touch your opposite elbow to the raised knee. Bring your knee back down. Lift your opposite knee and elbow and touch. Repeat.
Pencil Box Toss

Pencil Box Toss

Equipment: 1 pencil box per group. 1 beanbag per group. Description: The set-up for this game will depend on the set-up of your classroom. Each group/row/team of desks must set up one student’s pencil box against the wall somewhere in the class. It must be close...
Knee Raise

Rope Gauntlet – How Many?

Equipment: One long skipping rope. Timer. Description: Select two people to turn the long skipping rope in the middle of the room. Line everyone else up so that they are ready to run underneath the rope one at a time. The teacher sets the timer for 2 minutes, and then...
Ham Sandwich Tag

Ham Sandwich Tag

Equipment: 2-5 evil red balls. Description: 2-5 people are it, and are given evil red balls. If you get tagged, you have to freeze on the spot with your feet together and your hands out in front of you, spread about 6 inches apart, like 2 pieces of bread. To be...
Alien Tag

Alien Tag

Equipment: 4-10 evil red balls. Enough hula hoops for half of the class. Description: 4-10 people are it and are given evil red balls. The “Its” must partner-up and get inside a hula hoop together (this is their spaceship). Everyone else must find a partner and get...