Crazy Moves

Crazy Moves

Equipment: Enough mats so that you can fit groups of 2-4 students on them comfortably. Description: Scatter the gymnastic mats throughout the gym. Tell the students that you are going to call out a number and that they must try and get that number of people onto a...
Frog Jumps

Frog Jumps

Equipment: NONE Description: Crouch down, bending at your knees, and touch the floor with your hands. Jump up to standing position. Repeat as many times as possible.
Frog Jumps

Prayer Stretch

Equipment: NONE Description: All fours. Slide hands out as far forward as possible. Look at floor, bum over feet, press down with hands. Breathe – don’t hold your breath. Or, same as above but place both arms on one side of the head or the...
Pizza Pizza

Pizza Pizza

Equipment: 2-5 evil red balls. 3-6 hula hoops. Even number of GREEN, RED, YELLOW pinnies, split evenly amongst the remaining students, so that each student has a pinnie. Description: Scatter hula hoops around the gym. 2 – 5 students are it and are given evil...
Frog Jumps

A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

Equipment: NONE Description: Have everyone start with their heads down and eyes closed on their desks. Tap one person on the head (this person is the wolf). Tell everyone else to decide if they are a dog, a cat or a chicken, and make sure that they don’t tell anyone....