Full Length PE Games
Equipment: 1 racket per student (ping-pong paddles, squash or racket ball rackets or tennis rackets). As many dodgeballs as you want! Description: Give each student a racket or paddle. Remind them not to hit other students with their rackets, or swing their rackets in...
Full Length PE Games
Equipment: 7-9 hula hoops. A whole bunch of bean bags. Cones to mark center safe zone (if playing outside). Description: Scatter the hula hoops around the gym. Put as many bean bags into each hoop as you can. Split the class into 2 even teams, placing one team in the...
Full Length PE Games
Equipment: Enough mats so that you can fit groups of 2-4 students on them comfortably. Description: Scatter the gymnastic mats throughout the gym. Tell the students that you are going to call out a number and that they must try and get that number of people onto a...
Full Length PE Games
Equipment: Pinnies to separate teams. 1 dodgeball. Cones (if outside). 2 garbage cans (the lighter the better), with the bottoms cut out. Description: Split kids into 2 teams of 6-10 players. Have 1 student from each team stand up on a chair inside the basketball key...
Full Length PE Games
Equipment: 3 benches. 2-5 evil red balls. As many other dodgeballs as you deem necessary. Description: Scatter the benches around the playing area. 2 – 5 students are it and are given evil red balls. Everyone else can start anywhere else in the playing area...