- 5-10 Red dodgeballs.
- 5-10 Purple dodgeballs.
- 5-10 Green dodgeballs.
- The dodgeballs for this game don’t have to be red, purple and green, they just have to be 3 different colours.
- Scatter the dodgeballs all over the gym.
- Tell the students that they can only have one dodgeball (either between their elbows, at their feet, or in a hand), at a time.
- Red dodgeballs can only be grabbed/touched/picked up with elbows.
- Purple dodgeballs can only be moved/kicked with feet.
- Green dodgeballs can be picked up BY ONE HAND ONLY.
- If a student moves a dodgeball other than in the way its colour is specified above, said student must freeze on the spot, spread their legs, and put their hands together in a point above their heads (they are now a human cone).
- If a student is tagged by a red or purple dodgeball below the shoulders (these dodgeballs can be thrown with elbows, tagged with while being held by elbows,
or manipulated by feet), then said student turns into a human cone. - The only way to be saved is for someone to pick up a green dodgeball and roll it between your legs.
- Green dodgeballs can only save.
- If someone is tagged while holding a green dodgeball, they freeze on the spot, can take one shot with their green dodgeball to try and save someone else (not themselves!), and then must turn into a human cone and wait to be saved.
- To add difficulty to this game, have the human cones do the plank or pushup position instead, and/or, have the kids use trickier body parts to move the balls.
- This game pairs well with specific sports, where you’d like the kids to work on sports-specific skills while having fun.