Equipment: None Description: The object of the challenge is to see how many pairs of feet you can get into the air while only having hands still touching the ground (i.e. no other body parts). The students must work together as a class to see how many feet they can...
Equipment: A bin (equipment bins work great). A whole bunch of beanbags. Timer. Description: Split the class in two and have them sit with their backs against the wall at either end of the playing area. Dump all of the bean bags out in the middle of the playing area,...
Equipment: Class set of rings. Timer. Description: Select 7 students to stand on a line at the end of the room closest to the door. All other students line up at the other end of the room in two lines, with the bin of rings between them. When the teacher says “Go,”...
Equipment: As many stackable items as you can find! Timer Description: Split the class into two groups and have them each make a circle. Have two of the students from each group stand back-to-back (4 students total), in the middle of each circle. The 4 students must...
Equipment: 7 batons or bowling pins. A bin of bean bags. Description: Set up the 7 batons as shown in the picture. At the other end of the room, have two lines of students, and in between the two lines have the bin of bean bags. When the teacher says “Go,” the teacher...
Equipment: One hula hoop. Description: Have everyone in the class make a circle by holding hands with the person beside them. Have two of the people hold hands inside of the hula hoop. No student anywhere in the circle can break the circle (drop their hands) or...