Shape Shifter – How Fast?

Shape Shifter – How Fast?

Equipment: NONE Description: Everyone starts by facing the teacher at the front of the playing area. The teacher tells the student that she/he will be giving the students a word, and the students must then spell that word using the bodies of everyone in the class (no...
Shape Shifter – How Fast?

Shoe Toss – How Fast?

Equipment: NONE Description: Split the class into 2 groups and have them sit with their backs to the wall, at either end of the playing area, and their feet out in front of them. Then, have them undo their laces, take their shoes off, and carefully throw them into the...
Hoop Scramble – How Fast?

Hoop Scramble – How Fast?

Equipment: 6 hula hoops. Description: Select 6 students to hold 6 hula hoops around the playing area as shown in the diagram. Make a line of the rest of the students at one end of the playing area. When the teacher says “Go”, he/she starts the timer and the first...
Ball Challenge – How Fast?

Ball Challenge – How Fast?

Equipment: Tennis balls. A large bin, box or container. Description: Everyone must start by lying on their stomachs with their feet flat against the same wall. The teacher dumps the tennis balls from the middle of the playing area down to the other end, sets the bin...